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  • What to know — Rent and late fees in Nebraska

What to know — Rent and late fees in Nebraska

Aksarben Property Management’s mission is to provide the best and most comprehensive property management services to our clients throughout the region.

Property managers have a lot of responsibilities, so we consider it very important to make property owners and renters aware of state laws that say what landlords can legally do.

Question: Can my landlord increase rent? 

Answer: That actually depends on whether there is a term lease or a month-to-month lease in place. 

With a month-to-month lease, the landlord must give the tenant written notice at least 30 days before the next rent payment is due. A landlord isn’t able to raise the rent at any time during a term lease. But, rent can be raised once the lease ends. 

If we, Aksarben Property Management, raise the rent, we will and are required to notify the tenant in writing that we intend to increase the rent the first month after the initial lease term.

Question: What’s the maximum amount a landlord can charge in rent?

Answer: There isn’t one. Nebraska does not limit the amount of rent that a landlord can charge a tenant.

Question: Isn’t there always wiggle room if a tenant turns in their rent a few days after it’s technically due?

Answer: It’s called a due date for a reason. Nebraska doesn’t have a state-mandated “grace period.” If a tenant’s rent isn’t paid on the due date specified in the lease, the landlord has the right to charge the late fee amount stated in the lease.

Aksarben Property Management will always strive to provide the best service to its clients and tenants.

“We also will have the best systems and teams in play to help with maximizing the full potential of each property we manage,” V.P. of Operations Bev Larsen said.

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